
Monday 21 February 2011

Step by Step

By popular demand (one person), I'm going to run a step-by-step of what I've done so far. then with the next picture update, probably on Sunday, I'll step-by-step up to where I've gotten to then.

Starting at the bottom then;

Base rim: GW Codex Grey, pure and simples

Base: As I mentioned I glued sand to the base with PVA before I undercoated the Mini, the undercoat helps to seal the sand to the base, this means when I drybrush the sand it won't all just fall off.
wash the base GW Devlan Mud, paint GW Dark Flesh, drybrush GW Graveyard Earth, drybrush GW Bleached Bone. Done.

Metal: Paint 50/50 GW Bestial Brown/Chaos Black, drybrush 50/50 GW Chainmail/Chaos Black, drybrush GW Mithril Silver. Done (for now)

Purple: wash GW Leviathan Purple. Thats all I've done so far, more to come.

Green Skin: wash Devlan Mud, paint GW Goblin Green, wash GW Thrakka Green, layer(leaving the deep recesses on the face, under the cheeks/around the eyes/where the skin meets the helmet and the edges where the skin meets cloths/armour etc.) Goblin Green. Thats it for now but the skin will be the longest process by far!

more to come

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